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Developer Tools
Accelerate and simplify development of IP communications

Softil是世界上的IP通訊技術領導者,為全球800多家公司提供技術支援。我們的技術成果包括IP語音和視訊領域的先鋒技術以及一系列嵌入式技術和測試解決方案,結合我們在信號,多媒體和IMS方面的獨特專長。 Softil屢獲殊榮的協議棧套件包括IMS,Diameter,SIP和H.323,為通訊行業的豐富媒體應用和產品提供了核心技術,極大地簡化了它們的開發,並確保了最快速的產品上市時程。
BEEHD Client Framework for Public Safety over LTE
Softil’s BEEHD is a cross-platform client framework designed for chipset vendors, device manufacturers, system integrators, application developers and service providers looking to accelerate development of IP-based voice and video over LTE (VoLTE and ViLTE) solutions for first responders.
Multi-Platform VoLTE & RCS
With IP technology, systems manufacturers and service providers can add video and rich communication services and features to their solutions. Softil’s BEEHD is a complete VoLTE/RCS based video communications client, allowing service providers, application developers, and device manufacturers to launch customizable IMS compliant VoLTE/RCS services for Android, iOS, Windows, or MAC OS-based devices.
Video Communication
Manufacturers, application developers and service providers can add video and rich communication services and features into their solutions. Softil’s BEEHD for desktop and personal devices is a complete video communications client framework solution, to launch high quality services for Android and iOS-based devices quickly.
No VoIP knowledge necessary
Fast time-to-market
Sample GUI application included
Easy-to-use API enabling integration into your application
Protocol Stacks and Frameworks
Softil Developer Tools pioneered the introduction of Voice and Video over IP (V2oIP) with its vast range of developer solutions combining its unique expertise in signaling and multimedia. Since its inception, Softil Developer Tools continues to play a leading role in the industry-leading standardization bodies and interoperability committees. Softil developer tools are used by over 700 customers worldwide and power the majority of today’s IP telecom deployments.
WebRTC Interconnect
WebRTC is the latest wave of the communication technologies, allowing users to engage into audio and video communication session directly from the web browser, without the need to download a specialized client application. Various aspects of WebRTC technology are standardized in W3C and IETF drafts and recommendations.

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